The VCA Scholé Studio offers a unique approach to teaching and learning that is designed to offer a sound, engaging and thoroughly Classical, Christian education at a more measured pace for students who need additional support and attention. Scholé Studio is the best of Christ-centered, Classical learning woven into restful learning (hence the Latin word scholé). The ultimate goal of the Scholé Studio at Veritas is the same as all teaching and learning at VCA. We desire for all of our students to mature in wisdom and eloquence while engaging the true, good, and beautiful.
Scholé Studio was promoted internally during the 2023-2024 school year, and we are ready to open to new and prospective families in the fall of 2024. Scholé Studio will have one full-time administrator/teacher and several Scholé teachers/tutors spread across the school. Additionally, the administrator will organize several guest teachers and Paideia seminar leaders throughout the school year from the wider Veritas staff. The curriculum is thoroughly guided by Classical Christian form and content and will be experienced by each student at a measured pace.
A key change: Scholé Studio student schedules! The norm is that our Scholé students will have their classes for their grade/age/ability level meetings with their class. Each student will attend homeroom, specials (PE, Music and Art), lunch, breaks, field trips, and all whole grade/class gatherings such as chapel with their age-appropriate peers.
Due to the restructuring of student placement, classes, and teachers, we now only charge a nominal fee of $500 per student, per year for Scholé services. The former tier system has been removed.
If you have any questions about The Scholé Studio, please contact Buffey Smith at for more information.
