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The Act of Grace
Funding the new Grammar School Building

Some are faithful stewards out of a great sense of duty, some out of an overwhelming sense of love, and some out of sheer gratitude. In reality, God motivates us in different ways and uses us all in different ways. Faithful stewardship, like all discipleship, is rooted in our relationship with God through Jesus. It is not ever about merely “taking care of” or “being responsible for” something or someone or “giving a certain dollar amount.” Truly faithful and Biblical stewardship is wonderfully and fittingly anchored in the very grace from which comes our full identity in Christ. It is not just the grace of salvation or the grace of giving, it is the grace of being. We echo the words of Paul, “I am what I am by the grace of God.” (I Corinthians 15:10).

Building a Strong
Brick by Brick

Be a part of our Honor Walk.
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