As we joyously celebrate twenty-five years of education within the Christian Classical tradition, we are always considering our journey as we move further up and further in to quote C.S. Lewis. As with many institutions, schools must have a vision for growing in terms of identity and number. Our identity firmly rooted within our heritage as a Christ-centered classical academy can expand without drifting from its origins.
Over the past six years we have been collectively focused at Veritas reminding one another and all of the members of our community that it is imperative to maintain central focus on our mission. A key element that often fades within schools like Veritas is the pervasive like minded common purpose, unity of faith in Christ, and a robust overall commitment to Classical Christian education. As an administration and staff, being mindful of this, we have acted in recent years to remember our identity and mission.
We are so blessed by God that our Veritas community sees that we prepare the soil, plant the right kind of seed and God will increase our numbers. As with the Christian faith, within Classical Christian education the type of soil is key. We can plant top grade seed in bad soil and there will be no yield. We can have fertile soil and plant bad seeds and again, no yield.
If we properly teach in the right manner exalting the true, good, and beautiful and if we are teaching to students open to this teaching, and if the parents and grandparents are in partnership with Veritas, God will bring forth a harvest that will be evident to all with ears to hear and eyes to see.
God has done great things at Veritas for twenty-five years and we are primed to see even greater things done. As a school, we are ready to remain firmly anchored in the best of the past, but look forward to seeing this amazing school move to the next level. We are glad that you are part of this adventure. Pray for us and join us this year as we work together to move further up and further in.
