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Safe and Sound at Veritas

VCA Community

We have started the new year in a most exciting manner. Veritas is seeing one of the highest enrollments of recent years with an even higher gracious spirit. God has richly blessed this school with many new families who are a great fit for Classical Christian education. Over the past few years we have taken several steps to make sure that Veritas is that place where teaching and learning can occur in an atmosphere that is safe and sound in more than one sense. We also continue to strive to make certain that the quality of education provided at Veritas is in keeping with our mission and Christ-centered Classical roots.

We have made a few minor adjustments in the curriculum to even further ensure that VCA offers a top-form Christ-centered Classical education. We are near completion of installing a brand new school-wide intercom system. This system will be replacing the older, nearly expired one. In light of recent occurrences at a number of public schools we wanted to improve security. This system has the capability to notify everyone within the school campus from any place at the school. Imagine about seventy “security” staff who could alert everyone else at a moment’s notice for any danger of any kind. The Fletcher Police Department will also be notified and we have been told they can be at our school in a few minutes, if needed. Additionally, we will have more than thirty security cameras covering each and every spot of our school. Related to this, several staff members will have eyes on these cameras throughout the day.

Beyond the providential care of our Heavenly Father, is the reassurance that 99% of all acts of school disruption that have occurred over recent decades has taken place at public schools where disgruntled and alienated students or staff have acted in character with their fallen nature. Regardless, we seek to be diligent in securing the complete safety of every faculty, staff, student, and parent while at Veritas.

The more worrisome matter of recent years has been the infusion of teachings in public and private schools that clearly reflect the spirit of the age. It is a worldliness that demeans people as image bearers. It is a trendy social construct that attacks America’s history and human sexuality. While these unsound teachings have been floating around for several years, these are fads that do not seem to be fading, but gathering strength in large part due to the propagandistic nature of today’s social media. All that to say, at Veritas, we seek to be true to our traditional Classical Christian heritage. We will continue to vote with the democracy of the dead and hold firm to a Biblical and Classical view of human nature and human history.

I continue to praise our God and Father for the wonderful community that Veritas Christian Academy is and seeks to be.

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