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Welcome Back! We Missed You!

VCA Community

As I think back over the past several months, I am quickly reminded of all that we have missed. Truthfully, it was difficult getting adjusted to the new normal. In part, because there was much in the new normal that did not become normal and did not stay new for long. I missed the everyday routines of the common sights and sounds at Veritas.

When we think about the good, true, and beautiful at our school, much of the good was the goodness of the everyday. There is something beautiful about the sounds of little human beings walking these halls. The cadence of their staggered steps, their whispered excitement being with their friends, and their young laughter that hints at joy as a gift from God.

There is something beautiful about seeing teachers and staff living out their vocations in the presence of God. Scripture is crystal clear that God calls us to work in His presence as we see our work as a present from His hand. We should also be aware that at this time in the lives of our precious students, God has called them to seek His glory through their studies.

The goodness of welcoming everyone back today, to this place of teaching and learning, is characterized by such warmth and joy. It has been a festive day and celebrating such reunions is also a great good. We did miss you, but the sadness of missing has passed. All that we have lost is today eclipsed by the opportunities to serve one another.

We are back together to enjoy one another as we grow in wisdom, virtue, and knowledge. Let us celebrate the true, the good, and the beautiful with a spirit of thanksgiving.

Please, pray this prayer with me as we start this school year -- Oh Lord, our heavenly Father, almighty and everlasting God, you have brought us safely to the beginning of this school year: defend us by your mighty power, that we may not fall into sin nor run into danger or sickness; and that, guided by your Spirit, we may do what is righteous in your sight; through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

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