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With a Grateful Heart

VCA Community

The Bible is filled with the command to be grateful and rich with many examples of men and women of faith offering thanksgiving to a gracious heavenly Father. God’s people praise and thank Him when He blesses them and there are even examples of people praising God when He disciplines them. It seems providential that this past weekend I ran across an article from Harvard Medical with the unlikely title, “In Praise of Thanksgiving.” The essence of the article is that being a grateful person is good for our health!

As we move toward the actual day of Thanksgiving, I am so grateful to Veritas as a school that we have recommitted ourselves to being that premier Classical Christian school in Western North Carolina. For twenty-five years, Veritas has remained that very unique school that offers an unparalleled Classical education to the glory and honor of Christ. God continues to bless our faithfulness to this special educational ministry. We can rejoice that God has blessed Veritas with one of the best enrollment years we have seen in several years by so many faithfully returning to instruction in August with the addition of many fantastic new families.

It is with a grateful heart that I offer thanks to God and to each of you for being the people you are in our school community. I hear the phrase all the time about Veritas that, “this is such a wonderful school.” Of the many new families at Veritas this year, it is mainly because current families are sharing the great news about the quality of education occurring here. Through constant prayers and words of encouragement God is doing mighty things at Veritas. Please join me this week as we seek to thank God but more importantly to be a people with grateful hearts.

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